Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cashing in the Rewards Points

Does your credit card let you earn rewards points on your purchases where you can redeem these points for merchandise? If so, I highly recommend joining such a program (if you haven't already) or finding a credit card that offers it.

My wife and I have been using such a credit card and have used it for various items, including a free round trip ticket to Hong Kong a few years back. We recently decided to redeem some of our points (one item for my wife and one item for me) and the following items arrived today.

For my wife, she got the Bose QuietComfort 15 Noise Canceling Headphones:

This is in preparation for our next trip abroad. My wife has a difficult time sleeping on airplanes (as she's a light sleeper) and those 12+ hour flights take their toll. When we get off the plane, I'm okay since I was able to sleep; but not so much for my wife. Hopefully, with these noise canceling headphones, she can get some sleep and we can hit the ground running wherever we find ourselves vacationing.

For me, I selected the SureFire Saint Minimus Headlamp.

I currently have a cheapie headlamp that I use while working/fixing things around the house. While it works, it's not the best made or the brightest of headlamps. After having watched 127 Hours last week, I realized I needed something a bit more rugged and brighter. If you've seen the movie, you'll understand why.

Since I previously redeemed a SureFire E2D flashlight and think it's the best flashlight I've ever owned, I figure that I couldn't go wrong with another SureFire.

While I won't be rock climbing, I figured it'd be handy to have the headlamp for any chores around the house that require some extra lighting. You'd be surprised at how often you need both hands for something and can't really hold a flashlight while working. It'd also be another tool to add to the emergency kit.

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