Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fuck You, Sheriff Lee Baca

Just great...from the LA Times: Sheriff Lee Baca listens to inmate complaints at town hall meeting.

(Irfan Khan, Los Angeles Times / October 2, 2011)

Very soon the state of California and the city of Los Angeles will be releasing criminals from jail because both the state and city are broke. And here is the Sheriff making sure that criminals have more rights while they're in jail than law abiding citizens who aren't in jail.

Hey, Sheriff Baca, who is going to protect us from the crime that will be perpetrated by the criminals that you will be releasing from your jails? We certainly can't protect ourselves because your office only issues permits to carry a concealed firearm to your friends, celebrities and donors. Will you and your office make us whole again should something happen? Probably not...

Besides, we know how questionable the Sheriff can be. Let's take a look at a few incidents while under Sheriff Lee Baca's watch:

L.A. County jail guards aid drug trading

Sheriff Lee Baca launched a criminal probe at request of fashion magnate

L.A. County sheriff's plan to send deputies to inauguration is questioned

Sheriff Lee Baca is like any other politician - only after power and money for himself.

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