Friday, March 26, 2010

Paying the Neighbors' Mortgages

Well, it appears that I will be helping to pay the neighbor's mortgage after all. Just check out this fabulous plan.

I came across this quote from Keith Hennessey's blog about this plan and I couldn't agree more.

Buying a house is a big deal. So is getting a mortgage. As with any investment, when you buy a house and a mortgage you assume both upside and downside risk. You are responsible for both sides of that bet, not someone else.

Does a fucking contract not mean anything anymore? You signed on the dotted is YOUR responsibility to understand what you are signing and what you are getting yourself into. It's a YOU problem. Don't take other people's tax dollars to bail you out! (Although, if the Feds just wanted to return that person's tax dollars to help them out, I'm cool with that.)

Since President Obama is being so generous with our tax money, how about he do something for me? How about giving me back money for all the stock losses I've had over the last 10 years. Or better yet, pay me the money I should have had today had I purchased 1000 shares of Apple stock (AAPL) when it was $2 per share in the 90's? That would be roughly $229,000....which just about covers my mortgage.

I'll be expecting my check in the mail. Thank you very much!

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